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Mission Statement

Jewish Voices for Trump is standing up to radical antisemitism, championing Jewish heritage, defending our allies in Israel, and supporting President Trump’s campaign to retake the White House. From peace deals in the Middle East, to codifying antisemitism protections into Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, President Trump’s accomplishments for the Jewish community, both at home and abroad, have few parallels. While the world has fallen into chaos with Harris, President Trump’s Abraham Accords chartered new territory in regional stability, not just for Israel, but for the world. With President Trump we knew we had a White House that stood with Israel, and a president who defended the Jewish people. President Trump will restore peace through strength. He will ensure that Israel and the Jewish people have a secure homeland, and finally finish our war on terror. By re-affirming our support for President Trump, Jewish voices across the country are working to deliver President Trump a second term and put a stop to radical antisemitism.

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